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Taverna 2 Platform

The Taverna 2 Platform provides developers with access to the execution engine and data management facilities of the Taverna 2 project, allowing those facilities to be accessed in a straight-forward fashion from external code. You can see the presentation I gave to the group on the platform below:

I undertook this work as a six month contract, culminating in a two day workshop - one of the deliverables of the contract was a set of tutorial material to work alongside the code and associated documentation. To satisfy this I produced the following:

  • The platform code itself.
    • Fully documented API exposing the Taverna 2 facilities, javadoc available here.
    • Maven archetypes to quickly create new projects with the required libraries available, both for command line and web applications.
  • Documentation in the form of a full developer manual, produced in Word2007 format, printed copies made available for the developer workshop, self published through Lulu.com. A copy of the manual in PDF format can be downloaded here.
  • A virtual machine image based on Fedora Linux and containing:
    • Full Java install
    • Eclipse IDE pre-loaded with each exercise as a project
    • All resources required for the workshop including electronic copies of platform user manual and exercises

The developer workshop was attended by a group varying from local students to international attendees representing projects planning to embed the workflow engine. Feedback from the workshop was universally positive.